Save new Chargebee subscriptions to Smartsheet templates
Every time a new subscription is created in Chargebee, Make will automatically add that subscription's info to a new row in your Smartsheet sheet.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Chargebee and Smartsheet using getOperate's templates.Save new Wufoo form entries to Smartsheet
Every time someone fills out your Wufoo form, Make will automatically add that entry as a new row to a Smartsheet sheet of your choice.
Save new Chargebee subscriptions to Smartsheet
Every time a new subscription is created in Chargebee, Make will automatically add that subscription's info to a new row in your Smartsheet sheet.
Send new New Chargebee Inovices created in Databox
Every time a new invoice is created in Chargebee, Make will automatically push that information to Databox.
Clean up Smartsheet rows using MailboxValidator
Every time a new row is created in Smartsheet, Make will automatically validate the email address in that row using MailboxValidator. If the email is not verified it will delete that row.
Add Google Calendar events to Smartsheet as new rows
This integration automatically retrieves your Google Calendar events and adds them as new rows on your spreadsheet.
Save new Typeform entries to Smartsheet
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically add that entry to a new row in a Smartsheet sheet of your choice.
Create Trello cards from new rows in your Smartsheet
Use this automation to grab new rows of data in your Smartsheet and create new cards in Trello.
Send new Chargebee Customers to Databox
Every time a new customer is created in Chargebee, Make will automatically update the number of your new customers in Databox.