Save new Typeform entries to Smartsheet templates
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically add that entry to a new row in a Smartsheet sheet of your choice.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Typeform and Smartsheet using getOperate's templates.Add customers from Typeform responses
Make will watch new responses for a specified form from Typeform at regular intervals and create or update customers.
Add Sendlane contacts for new Typeform responses
Every time a new response is given in your Typeform, Make will automatically add the respondent as a contact to your Sendlane.
Add new Typeform form submissions to MeisterTask as tasks
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically create a MeisterTask task.
Add new responses in Typeform as new contacts to SendPulse
Make in specified intervals checks whether there are new responses in a selected form in Typeform. If so, the responses are gotten and sent to SendPulse as new contacts.
Create Drip subscribers from new Typeform form submissions and subscribe them to a campaign
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically add that person to Drip as a new subscriber and subscribe her/him to a selected campaign.
Add new Typeform form submissions to rows in a Coda doc
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically add a new row to your Coda table.
Add new Typeform entries to Trello as new cards
Every time someone answers a selected Typeform question, Make will automatically create a new card in Trello.
Add new Intercom users from new Typeform form submissions
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically create a new Intercom user.