Update a Square customer when a Wix contact is updated templates
Every time a Wix contact is updated, Make will automatically update a Square customer.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Wix and Square using getOperate's templates.Add new Square customers to GetResponse
Every time a new customer is created in Square, Make will automatically create a new contact in GetResponse.
Create a Square customer from a new Wix contact
Every time a Wix contact is created, Make will automatically create a Square customer.
Create a Stripe payment intent from a new Wix order
Every time a new Wix order is created, Make will automatically create a Stripe payment intent.
Send Zoho mail emails for Square refunds exceeding a specified amount
Every time there is a new Square refund exceeding a specific amount, Make will automatically send an email in Zoho Mail.
Add new Square customers to ActiveCampaign
Every time a new customer is created in Square, Make will automatically create a new contact in ActiveCampaign.
Create (or update) a Smaily subscriber from a new Wix contact
Every time a new Wix contact is created, Make will automatically add (or update) a Smaily subscriber.
Update a Square customer when a Wix contact is updated
Every time a Wix contact is updated, Make will automatically update a Square customer.
Send a Slack notification about an abandoned Wix cart
Every time an abandoned Wix cart is registered, Make will automatically send a Slack message to a channel or a user.