Create a contact in Sendinblue list for new Viral Loops participants templates

Every time a new participant is joined Viral Loops campaign, Make will automatically create a contact in SendinBlue.

Create your first workflow

Quickly automate workflows with Viral Loops and Brevo using getOperate's templates.

Add new SendOwl customers to Sendinblue as contacts

Every time you get a new order in SendOwl, a new contact will be created in Sendinblue. If the contact already exists, it will be updated.


Add new Sendinblue contacts from new Getform submissions

Every time a new form is submitted in Getfrom, a new contact will be added to Sendinblue. The template expects your form to have at least the following fields: 1. Name 2. Email More information on how to create this sample form [here](


Create Viral Loops participants from new Google Forms responses

Every time a new response is entered on your Google Form, Make will automatically create a new Viral Loops participant.


Add participants to Viral Loops for new Typeform entries

Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically add a subscriber to your Viral Loops campaign.


Add a new Viral Loops campaign participant to Google Sheets as a new row

Every time your Viral Loops campaign gets a new participant, Make will automatically add its details to a Google Sheets spreadsheet as a new row.


Create Viral Loops participants from new Google Sheets rows

Every time a new participant is added to your Google Sheets spreadsheet, Make will automatically add this participant to a selected Viral Loops campaign. The template uses this [example spreadsheet](


Send an Email via Sendinblue from a new SMS received in Plivo

Every time a new sms is received in Plivo, a new email will be sent via Sendinblue.


Create a contact in Sendinblue list for new Viral Loops participants

Every time a new participant is joined Viral Loops campaign, Make will automatically create a contact in SendinBlue.

Discover the benefits of automation for your business.