Subscribe people to Zoho Campaigns list for new Typeform responses verified in Clearout templates
Make wil watch for new Typeform responses at regular intervals, validate emails using Clearout and subscribe people to a mailing list in Zoho Campaigns.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Typeform and Clearout and Zoho Campaigns using getOperate's templates.Add a new response from Typeform as a new contact to SendPulse
When a new response is received from Typeform webhook, a new contact with data from just submitted form in Typeform is added to SendPulse.
Add Sendlane contacts for new Tally responses validated via Clearout
Every time a new response appears in your Tally, Make will validate it via Clearout and add the respondent as a contact to your Sendlane. You should trigger your Tally webhook before running the scenario for the mappable parameters to appear.
Add a prospect into from a new form response in Typeform
Every time a new form response is received in Typeform, a new prospect will be instantly created in
Add Sendlane contacts for new Typeform responses
Every time a new response is given in your Typeform, Make will automatically add the respondent as a contact to your Sendlane.
Add new Typeform form submissions to rows in a Coda doc
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically add a new row to your Coda table.
Create ClickUp tasks from new Typeform entries
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically create a new task in a ClickUp list of your choice.
Assign emails from a Typeform form to a contact list in ActiveCampaign
Every time a new response is received in a Typeform form, a new contact will be created in ActiveCampaign and then assigned to a contact list. The template expects your Typeform form to collect at least email addresses.
Add new Typeform form submissions to AWeber as subscribers
Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically add a new subscriber to an AWeber list of your choice.