Send Twilio SMS messages for new Wufoo forms entries templates
Every time someone fills out a selected Wufoo form, Make will automatically send an SMS message via Twilio.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Wufoo and Twilio using getOperate's templates.Save new Wufoo form entries to Smartsheet
Every time someone fills out your Wufoo form, Make will automatically add that entry as a new row to a Smartsheet sheet of your choice.
Add form responses from Wufoo to tables in Caspio
This automation retrieves your form responses from Wufoo and adds the data as new rows on a table in Caspio.
Create Salesflare contacts from new Wufoo Forms responses
Every time someone fills out your Wufoo form, Make will automatically create a new contact in Salesflare.
Add new Wufoo form entries to MeisterTask as tasks
Every time someone fills out your Wufoo form, Make will automatically add a new task to a MeisterTask project of your choice.
Add new Wufoo form entries to Twist as comments
Every time someone fills out your Wufoo form, Make will automatically create a comment in Twist.
Push notes via Pushbullet for new Wufoo form entries
Every time someone fills out a selected Wufoo form, Make will automatically push a note via Pushbullet.
Create Knack records from new Wufoo form entries
Every time someone fills out a selected Wufoo form, Make will automatically create a new record in Knack.
Save new Wufoo entries to a Coda doc
Every time someone fills out a selected Wufoo form, Make will automatically add a new row to your Coda table.