Send Telegram messages for Livestorm events started templates
Every time an event starts in Livestorm, Make will automatically send a Telegram message.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Livestorm and Telegram Bot using getOperate's templates.Get Telegram messages for new Basin submissions
This scenario lets you see information on unread submissions from Basin in Telegram regularly with a possibility to set up a schedule.
Add/Update Mailchimp subscribers for new Livestorm registrants
Every time a new registrant appears in your Livestorm, Make will automatically add them to your Mailchimp as a subscriber.
Create Amazing Marvin tasks from Telegram messages
Every time there is a new message in your Telegram channel or chat, Make will automatically create a task in Marvin.
Create Google Calendar events from new Telegram messages
Every time a new message is received in Telegram, Make will automatically create a new event in Google Calendar.
Delete trackings in AfterShip via Telegram bot
Every time you send a tracking number to your bot a tracking in your AfterShip will be deleted.
Export a report from Expensify to a Telegram message
Every time you text your Telegram bot a date it sends you reports from your Expensify.
Create new messages in Chatwork for new messages in Telegram
Every time a message is sent in your Telegram group where your Telegram bot is an admin Make will send this message to your Chatwork.
Create a training assignment in Strava via Telegram bot
Every time you message your Telegram bot with an activity type a training assignment is created on a designated athlete in Strava.