Send new Follow Up Boss contacts to Google Contacts templates
Every time a new contact is created on Follow Up Boss, Make will automatically create Contact in Google Contacts.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Follow Up Boss and Google Contacts using getOperate's templates.Add new Follow Up Boss contacts to Mailchimp
Every time a new contact is created in Follow Up Boss, Make will automatically create a new Mailchimp subscriber.
Add new Google contacts to TextIt
Every time a new contact is added to Google Contacts, Make will automatically create a new contact in TextIt
Add a contact to Google Contacts when an appointment is booked with ScheduleOnce
Every time an appointment is scheduled with ScheduleOnce, Make will automatically create a new contact in Google Contacts.
Add new Google Contacts to Kizeo Forms as a new users
Every time a new contact is created in Google Contacts, Make will automatically add that contact to Kizeo Forms as a new user.
Add new Zoom meeting registrants to Google Contacts
This template allows you to automatically create a contact in Google Contacts when a new Zoom meeting registrant is added. You have to be a licensed Zoom user and registration has to be enabled in the meeting settings.
Add new Contacts+ contacts to Google Contacts
Every time a new contact is added to Contacts+, Make will automatically create a new Google contact.
Add new Google Contacts as a recipients to a mailing list
Every time a new contact is created in Google Contacts, Make will automatically add a recipient to a mailing list.
Add new Quaderno contacts to Google Contacts
Every time a new contact is created in Quaderno, Make will automatically add that contact to Google Contacts.