Send Gmail emails for new Digistore24 etickets templates
Every time a new eticket has been created in Digistore24, Make will automatically send an email to the customer.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Digistore24 and Gmail using getOperate's templates.Create Printful orders from Digistore24 payments
Every time a new payment has been completed in Digistore24, Make will automatically create a new order in Printful using information received.
Automatically translate new Gmail emails with Eden AI and send messages to Slack
Every time you receive a new email, Make will automatically translate a text into another language by Eden AI and send a message to Slack. Created by
Automatically translate new Gmail emails with DeepL and send messages to Slack
Every time a new email is received in your Gmail inbox, Make will automatically translate it into the language you want using DeepL. The translated text will be then sent to a Slack channel of your choice.
Create Breeze tasks from new emails in Gmail
Every time you receive a new email in Gmail, Make will automatically create a new task in a Breeze list of your choice.
Create G-Suite users from Gravity Forms entries
Every time a new entry is submitted to Gravity, Make will automatically create a user in G-Suit. Then, the credentials are sent to the new user via gmail.
Create Recruitee candidates from Gmail emails
Every time a new email is received on Gmail, Make will automatically filter that email by the subject and create a new candidate in Recruitee.
Add new Digistore24 etickets to Google Sheets
Every time a new eticket has been created in Digistore24, Make will automatically add the information about customer and eticket to a specified spreadsheet in Google Sheets. The template uses this [example spreadsheet](
Create ClickUp tasks from new emails in Gmail
Every time you receive a new email in Gmail, Make will automatically create a new task in a ClickUp list of your choice.