Send emails from Gmail for new Chargebee subscriptions templates

Every time a new subscription is created in Chargebee, Make will automatically send an email via Gmail to a specified address.

Create your first workflow

Quickly automate workflows with Chargebee and Gmail using getOperate's templates.

Create ClickUp tasks from new emails in Gmail

Every time you receive a new email in Gmail, Make will automatically create a new task in a ClickUp list of your choice.


Convert new Gmail emails to PDF using and save it to Google Drive

Every time you receive a new email in Gmail, it is converted to PDF by and saved in Google Drive.


Add client inbox label to Gmail

The Google Sheets module checks for matches between the sender’s email address and the list of client email addresses. If a match is found, the label clientmailbox is added to the email. More information [here](


Add Member Absense on Status Hero from Emails with specific subject

Every time a new email is received on Gmail containing a specific word in the subject, Make will automatically look the sender's email up in the members of Status Hero and add an absence to their schedule. After that it will send an email to that sender confirming the absence date.


Create Breeze tasks from new emails in Gmail

Every time you receive a new email in Gmail, Make will automatically create a new task in a Breeze list of your choice.


Automatically translate new Gmail emails with DeepL and send messages to Slack

Every time a new email is received in your Gmail inbox, Make will automatically translate it into the language you want using DeepL. The translated text will be then sent to a Slack channel of your choice.


Create Asana tasks from emails matching certain criteria

If your email subject line matches criteria that you set up, Make will create tasks on Asana for you automatically using the information from the email.


Create Asana tasks from new emails in Gmail

When you receive emails in your Gmail inbox, Make will retrieve the emails and create a task on Asana automatically.

Discover the benefits of automation for your business.