Send a new PandaDoc document to Telegram Bot templates

Every time a new document is created in PandaDoc, Make automatically will send this document to a channel in Telegram.

Create your first workflow

Quickly automate workflows with PandaDoc and Telegram Bot using getOperate's templates.

Delete trackings in AfterShip via Telegram bot

Every time you send a tracking number to your bot a tracking in your AfterShip will be deleted.


Create PandaDoc documents from Typeform submissions

This template creates (and sends if opted in) new PandaDoc documents from Typeform responses. The scenario expects your Typeform to collect these values: 1) Company name 2) Company represented by 3) Address line 4) ZIP 5) City 6) Region/State 7) Country The template also expects your PandaDoc account to have a "document template" using these variables: 1) [Client.Company] 2) [Client.RepresentedBy] - a custom variable. See more info about custom variables [here.]( 3) [Client.StreetAddress] 4) [Client.PostalCode] 5) [Client.City] 6) [Client.State] 7) [Client.Country] 8) [Document.CreatedDate] You can see a screenshot of a sample PandaDoc template [here.](


Export a report from Expensify to a Telegram message

Every time you text your Telegram bot a date it sends you reports from your Expensify.


Create Microsoft To Do tasks for new Telegram messages

Every time a new message is sent to a specified chat/channel on Telegram, Make will automatically create a new task on Microsoft To Do.


Create Trello cards from new Telegram messages

Every time a new message is received in Telegram, Make will automatically add a new card to a Trello board of your choice.


Create a FreshBooks client from a PandaDoc contact

If you need to copy your PandaDoc contacts to FreshBooks on a one-time basis, you can use this template.


Create Telegram messages for new ideas in Prodpad

Every time a new idea is added in your ProdPad, Make will send a message in Telegram via your Telegram bot.


Add new Telegram messages to a Trello card as comments

Every time a new message is received in Telegram, Make will automatically add a new comment to a Trello card of your choice.

Discover the benefits of automation for your business.