Send a message to Telegram Bot about a new user in Harvest templates
When a new user is created in Harvest, a new message about this event is sent to Telegram Bot.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Harvest and Telegram Bot using getOperate's templates.Automatically translate new Gmail emails with DeepL and send messages to Telegram
Every time a new email is received in your Gmail inbox, Make will automatically translate it into the language you want using DeepL. The translated text will be then sent to a Telegram channel of your choice.
Get Telegram messages in Hive
Every time your Telegram bot gets a message, the message is sent to your Hive.
Export a report from Expensify to a Telegram message
Every time you text your Telegram bot a date it sends you reports from your Expensify.
Detect text within new Telegram images using Google Cloud Vision (OCR) and send it as a new message in Telegram
Every time a new image containing text is posted to Telegram, Make will detect the text using Google Cloud Vision (OCR) and send it as a new message to a specified Telegram channel.
Create Asana tasks for new Telegram messages.
Every time a new message is sent to a specified chat/channel on Telegram, Make will automatically create a new task on Asana.
Delete trackings in AfterShip via Telegram bot
Every time you send a tracking number to your bot a tracking in your AfterShip will be deleted.
Get Telegram messages for new Google Sheets rows
Every time a new row is added to your Google Sheets spreadsheet, Make will automatically send a message in Telegram.
Create Harvest accounts for new G Suite users
Every time a new user is added to your G Suite organization, Make will automatically create a new user in Harvest.