Save new Gmail attachments to Box templates
Every time you receive a new email in Gmail with an attachment, Make will automatically save that attachment in Box.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Gmail and Box using getOperate's templates.Create Podio tasks from ScheduleOne appointments and send an email with Gmail
Every time an appointment is scheduled with ScheduleOnce, Make will automatically create a task in Podio and send an email with Gmail.
Convert new Gmail emails to PDF using and save it to Google Drive
Every time you receive a new email in Gmail, it is converted to PDF by and saved in Google Drive.
Change background image for Gmail attachments using and add it to Airtable
Every time a new employee joins the company and sends an email with their photo, Make will automatically remove the background for that image using After that the image will be uploaded to a Google Drive folder and added as a new record to Airtable. For the proper work of this scenario you can use our [example table](
Create Asana tasks from new emails in Gmail
When you receive emails in your Gmail inbox, Make will retrieve the emails and create a task on Asana automatically.
Automatically translate new Gmail emails with DeepL and send messages to Slack
Every time a new email is received in your Gmail inbox, Make will automatically translate it into the language you want using DeepL. The translated text will be then sent to a Slack channel of your choice.
Create Asana tasks from emails matching certain criteria
If your email subject line matches criteria that you set up, Make will create tasks on Asana for you automatically using the information from the email.
Automatically forward new Gmail emails containing a specific word to another email address
Every time a new email arrives in your Gmail mailbox, Make will check whether it contains a word that you specify. If yes, Make will forward that email to a specified email address.
Create G-Suite users from Gravity Forms entries
Every time a new entry is submitted to Gravity, Make will automatically create a user in G-Suit. Then, the credentials are sent to the new user via gmail.