Remove background from images stored in Dropbox templates
When a new image is stored in watched folder in Dropbox, the background of the image is removed by and the image is then uploaded to Dropbox.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Dropbox and using getOperate's templates.Send new PandaDoc documents to Dropbox
Every time a new document is created in PandaDoc, Make will automatically save the document in Dropbox.
Create folders in Google Drive from Dropbox files
When you upload files in Dropbox, the files are automatically retrieved and folders with the same names are created in Google Drive.
Send Slybroadcast campaigns with audio files for new Dropbox files
Make will watch your Dropbox files at regular intervals and send campaigns with audio files via your Slybroadcast.
Send new Dropbox files to Discord
Use this template to automatically send a new Dropbox file to Discord as a message with an attachment.
Save new Telegram files to Dropbox
When a new message is received from Telegram Bot webhook and a file is attached, the file is uploaded to specified folder in Dropbox.
Save new Dropbox documents to Parseur
Every time there is new document files in a specified Dropbox folder, Make will automatically upload it to Parseur.
Backup new Google Photos to Dropbox
Every time a new photo is added to your Google Photo album, Make will automatically upload that photo to a Dropbox folder you specify.
Remove background in pictures from Google Photos and upload them back to Google Photos
Remove background in pictures uploaded to Google Photos and upload processed pictures to Google Photos.