Qualify new leads from Intercom based on Clearbit metrics and create ActiveCampaign contacts templates
This automation instantly receives a new lead from Intercom, retrieves the person/company's metrics from Clearbit and if the user meets a set of specific criteria, a new contact is created/updated in ActiveCampaign.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Intercom and Clearbit and ActiveCampaign using getOperate's templates.Add a Mailchimp subscriber to a Twitter list
Using this template, Make will automatically enrich a Mailchimp subscriber's data in Clearbit and add him/her to a Twitter list.
Add new ChargeOver customers to ActiveCampaign as a contacts
Every time a new customer is added in ChargeOver, Make will automatically create a new contact in ActiveCampaign.
Add ActiveCampaign contacts from new Zoho Mail emails
Every time a new email is received in a specific Zoho Mail folder, Make will automatically add a new contact in ActiveCampaign.
Add new Adalo records to ActiveCampaign as contacts
Make will watch for new records in Adalo at regular intervals and add these records to ActiveCampaign as contacts.
Add a new ActiveCampaign contacts to PhoneBurner
Every time a new contact is created in ActiveCampaign, Make will automatically add that contact to PhoneBurner.
Add new Help Scout customers to Active Campaign
Every time a new customer is created in Help Scout, Make will automatically create a new contact in ActiveCampaign.
Add new ActiveCampaign contacts to Burst SMS lists
Every time a new contact is created in ActiveCampaign, Make will automatically create a new contact in Burst SMS and add it to list.
Add new E-conomic customers to ActiveCampaign as contacts
Every time a new customer is added in E-conomic, Make will automatically add that customer to ActiveCampaign as contact.