Qualify new contacts from Cliengo based on Clearbit metrics templates
Every time a user is created in Cliengo, Make will automatically verify the email using Hunter and search for data with Clearbit, then create new contacts based on the user's metrics.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Cliengo and ZeroBounce and Clearbit using getOperate's templates.Add new Cliengo clients as new Intercom contacts
This template periodically retrieves new clients from Cliengo and adds them as new contacts to Intercom. The template is scheduled to run every 15 minutes. You can change this after you set up the template.
Create new companies in EngageBay from email domains retrieved from Clearbit
When a new email is received in Gmail, the email address is sent to Clearbit to be reviewed. If it is has a company domain, and it doesn't exist in EngageBay yet, it is created as a new company in EngageBay.
Add Mailgun mailing list members from Google Forms responses
Every time an answer is received in your Google Forms, Make will validate the emails from that answer via ZeroBounce and add them to your Mailgun mailing list.
Create new MailChimp subscribers from new Cliengo clients
This template periodically retrieves new clients from Cliengo and adds them as new subscribers to MailChimp. The template expects your MailChimp list to have at least these fields (along with email): 1) First name 2) Last name The template is scheduled to run every 15 minutes. You can change this after you set up the template.
Add Cliengo contacts from new Google Sheets rows
Every time a new row is added to your Google Sheets spreadsheet, Make will automatically create a new contact in Cliengo. The template uses this [example spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LmvKAw8ffbDDyEJGtNf3RvXUnwTnI4QAZPy5osMXhBY/edit?usp=sharing).
Add a Mailchimp subscriber to a Twitter list
Using this template, Make will automatically enrich a Mailchimp subscriber's data in Clearbit and add him/her to a Twitter list.
Create Teamwork Desk contacts from Netlify form submissions
Every time a new form is submitted on Netlify, Make will automatically validate the email output from the form using ZeroBounce. If the status of the email is "Valid" it will create a new customer in Teamwork Desk.
Create new Google Sheets rows from Formstack submissions, verifying the email by Zerobounce, and sending on slack
Every time a new Formstack form is submitted, Make will automatically validate the email with ZeroBounce. If the status of the email is "valid" it will look the person up with Clearbit. If a result is returned it will add a row in a Google Sheet and send a Slack message. This example uses the sheet in [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l205VTOGWG-wurkvc2UmsbVnN0cJbX-6evHJnWcMfaM/editgid=0). It will also look the company up with Clearbit. If a result is returned it will add a new row to a Google Sheet and send a Slack message. This example uses the sheet in [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l205VTOGWG-wurkvc2UmsbVnN0cJbX-6evHJnWcMfaM/editgid=0).