Post new tweets from a new items in Alegra templates
Every time a new item is created in the Alegra, Make will automatically post a tweet on Twitter.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Alegra and Twitter using getOperate's templates.Create a Tweet and post a Discord message from a new followed live stream on Twitch
Use this template to create a Twitter post and a Discord message when a new followed Twitch stream is live.
Generate an image from Tweets via HTML/CSS and share it on Discord
Every time a specified Twitter account shares a new tweet, Make will automatically generate an image from the quote. Then, the final picture is posted on a selected Discord channel.
Post from new Tweets to Ryver Chat
Every time a specified user posts a new tweet on Twitter, Make will automatically send a message to Ryver chat.
Create a LinkedIn text post on behalf of an organization from a new Twitter post
Every time there's a new Twitter post, Make will create a LinkedIn text post on behalf of an organization (post to the company's LinkedIn profile page). Twitter is a premium app. Therefore it is not available for users using the FREE pricing plan.
Create a Tweet from a new Discord message
Use this template to create a Twitter post from a new Discord message.
Post a Discord message from a liked Tweet
Use this template to post a Discord message when a specific user likes a Tweet.
Publish new Beamer posts to Twitter
Every time a new post is added to your Beamer account, Make will automatically post a new tweet on Twitter.
Add a Mailchimp unsubscriber to a Twitter list
Using this template, Make will automatically enrich a Mailchimp unsubscriber's data in Clearbit and add him/her to a Twitter list.