Post new ShipStation orders to a Mattermost channel templates
Every time a new order is created in ShipStation, Make will automatically post that order's info to a Mattermost channel of your choice.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Mattermost and ShipStation using getOperate's templates.Post new Copper opportunities to a channel on Mattermost
Every time a new opportunity is created on Copper, Make will automatically post that opportunity to a Mattermost channel of your choice.
Send an email via Gmail for new ShipStation orders
Every time a new order is created in ShipStation, Make, Make will automatically send a message from Gmail.
Post new Typeform form submissions to Mattermost
Every time a new Typeform form is submitted, Make will automatically create a Mattermost post.
Post new GitHub pull requests to Mattermost
Use this template to automatically post a Mattermost message when a GitHub pull request is created.
Post new GitHub issue comments to Mattermost
Every time a GitHub issue comment is created, Make will automatically post a Mattermost message.
Create Microsoft To Do tasks from new pinned Mattermost posts
Every time a new post is pinned to a specified channel in Mattermost, Make will automatically create a new task in Microsoft To Do.
Post new GitHub issues to Mattermost
Every time a GitHub issue is created, Make will automatically post a Mattermost message.
Send all ShipStation orders to Databox
List all orders in ShipStation and send them to Databox.