Create GitHub issues from Gravity Forms entries templates
Every time a new entry is submitted to Gravity, Make will automatically create a new issue in GitHub.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Gravity Forms and GitHub using getOperate's templates.Add new GitHub issues to ClickUp as tasks
Every time a new issue is created in GitHub, Make will automatically create a new task in ClickUp.
Add status activities to a member in Status Hero from GitHub issues
Every time a new issue is created on GitHub, Make will automatically add a new status activity to a member on Status Hero.
Create (or update) a Mailchimp subscriber from a Gravity Forms form submission
Use this template to automatically create a Mailchimp subscriber (or update it if it already exists) when a new Gravity Forms form is submitted. Your Gravity Forms form has to include an 'Email' field (fields that are not required but you can include them are: First name, Last name, Phone, Street address, City, Postal code, State/province, Country).
Add a tag to a Mailchimp subscriber with a Gravity Forms form submission
Use this template to automatically add a tag to a Mailchimp subscriber when a Gravity Forms form is submitted. Your Gravity Forms form has to include an 'Email' field.
Create Opsgenie Alert from new GitHub issues
Every time a new issue is created in GitHub, Make will automatically create a new Alert in Opsgenie.
Add new GitHub issues to Pipefy as cards
Every time a new issue is created in GitHub, Make will automatically create a new card in Pipefy.
Create GitHub issues from new Asana tasks
This template retrieves your new Asana tasks and creates issues on Github automatically.
Create Facebook Groups posts from new GitHub comments
Every time someone leaves a comment on GitHub, Make will automatically post a new entry to a selected Facebook Group.