Create a GetAccept document for new Typeform response templates

Every time a new Typeform response is received, Make will automatically create a document in GetAccept.

Create your first workflow

Quickly automate workflows with Typeform and GetAccept using getOperate's templates.

Add a new response from Typeform as a new contact to SendPulse

When a new response is received from Typeform webhook, a new contact with data from just submitted form in Typeform is added to SendPulse.


Create PandaDoc documents from Typeform submissions

This template creates (and sends if opted in) new PandaDoc documents from Typeform responses. The scenario expects your Typeform to collect these values: 1) Company name 2) Company represented by 3) Address line 4) ZIP 5) City 6) Region/State 7) Country The template also expects your PandaDoc account to have a "document template" using these variables: 1) [Client.Company] 2) [Client.RepresentedBy] - a custom variable. See more info about custom variables [here.]( 3) [Client.StreetAddress] 4) [Client.PostalCode] 5) [Client.City] 6) [Client.State] 7) [Client.Country] 8) [Document.CreatedDate] You can see a screenshot of a sample PandaDoc template [here.](


Add new responses in Typeform as new contacts to SendPulse

Make in specified intervals checks whether there are new responses in a selected form in Typeform. If so, the responses are gotten and sent to SendPulse as new contacts.


Add new Typeform entries to Trello as new cards

Every time someone answers a selected Typeform question, Make will automatically create a new card in Trello.


Add contacts to PhoneBurner from Typeform responses

Every time there is a new respond on your Typeform form, Make will automatically create a new contact in PhoneBurner using an email, first name and last name from Typeform response.


Create Copper leads from new Typeform form submissions

Every time your Typeform form is filled out, Make will automatically create a new Copper lead. You have to enable leads in the "Lead Statuses" settings in Copper.


Add participants to Viral Loops for new Typeform entries

Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically add a subscriber to your Viral Loops campaign.


Create Twist messages from new Typeform form submissions

Every time someone fills out your Typeform form, Make will automatically create a Twist message.

Discover the benefits of automation for your business.