Create a Asana tasks from a new Retently survey responses templates
Every time a new survey response is submitted in Retently, Make will automatically create a new task on Asana.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with Retently and Asana using getOperate's templates.Create Asana tasks from PagerDuty incidents
Every time a new incident is triggered in PagerDuty, Make will automatically create a task in Asana.
Add new ActiveCampaign contacts to Retently as a new customers
Every time a new contact is created in ActiveCampaign, Make will automatically add that contact to Retently as a new customer.
Create Asana tasks for new Telegram messages.
Every time a new message is sent to a specified chat/channel on Telegram, Make will automatically create a new task on Asana.
Create Asana tasks from emails matching certain criteria
If your email subject line matches criteria that you set up, Make will create tasks on Asana for you automatically using the information from the email.
Create Asana tasks for new FreeAgent tasks.
Every time a task is created in FreeAgent, Make will automatically create a new task on Asana.
Create Asana tasks from new emails in Gmail
When you receive emails in your Gmail inbox, Make will retrieve the emails and create a task on Asana automatically.
Create Microsoft To-Do tasks from new Asana tasks
Every time a new task is created in Asana, Make will automatically add a new task to a selected Microsoft To-Do List.
Create Asana tasks for new Ronin tasks.
Every time a new task is created in Ronin, Make will automatically create a new task on Asana.